

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Life Keeps Moving Forward

Today, I am reflecting on my journey, as my birthday is this month and yet another year has ended and a new one begins. Somehow, I just can not believe I am as old as I am. Funny, I feel the same as I always did. (Thank God for that-- ) but when I see my 40 year old son, it is a reminder that I am no longer 30!

I know that part of my journey has indeed been about the wisdom I have gained, an understanding of the healing required in and by me for myself, and a true appreciation of the good in others and the good in life. I have come to one conclusion: this human experience is a gift. We must enjoy each and every moment. We can not allow the judgments of our ego to cloud over and make assumptions about anything which unfolds. Rather, we need to give thanks for ALL that unfolds. Each and every experience is FOR us, never against us. We must always quiet our minds and remember the Truth of who we are. How we see it is really up to us. When we really recognize and KNOW that there is good and more good, regardless of what it looks like, we come to a peace beyond all understanding.

Today, I am in gratitude-- for each and every step of my journey and the more which is unfolding. I recognize that how I think is up to me and I think I am blessed. I send blessings to you as well.

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