

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

As I enjoy a leisurely day off work, I reflect on the reason I am at home. As a nation we recognize this day as a day to remember those we love who have left this plane. Specifically, we remember those who have served our country and given their human lives so that we might maintain "control" over the way we show up in the world. Some might wonder why I say it in this way-- I do not believe having 'freedom' requires the loss of lives in today's world. I do not believe peace and wellbeing are the result of war and killing.

I believe we can live in a world where we agree to disagree-- nothing more, nothing less. I don't think our loved ones need to die for some perceived ideas of right and wrong. No one is right and no one is wrong. The Truth is, we are all ONE! When I hurt my brother or sister, I truly hurt myself.

Today, I give thanks and send deep gratitude and blessings to all the souls who so valiantly served. I send this out to their loved ones as well. Today, I pray-- conscious, heartfelt prayer-- that all of the leaders of the world learn to live in peace, harmony and integrity;  that each finds within him or herself the awareness that there is a new way of 'being' in the world. There is a way of peace and balance, which does not require killing, death and war.

Today I pray, dear Spirit, that the Infinite Wisdom that is You, bubbles up within the minds and hearts of all who lead; that they come to a clear understanding that ALL the people of the world want peace and harmony; we are willing to share the resources our dear Mother Earth provides and that we can live as one humanity. Knowing this is so, I simply say THANK YOU Spirit-- Creator of all-- for the spark of divine awakened within each and every one. I release my prayer, I allow it to unfold and am confident that it is unfolding right here and now-- and so it is!

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